I thought it might be interesting to take a break from reviewing and analysing films to let all of you in on how buying DVDs works in Ghana. Needless to say, every aspect of life here is different – eating, drinking, driving, communicating, everything - so naturally, buying films is a different experience as well. However, I didn’t realise the extent of the difference until I actually went out to buy films. I expected that DVDs, like most things, would be cheaper here than in America. I had been told that I would easily find bootlegged films for sale. What I did not realise was that bootlegged films are all there is to buy. From where I am staying, I can walk for about ten minutes, get in a cab for about ten more minutes, and then get out and walk some more. Once all this is done, I will be in a market, and here there are a couple of carts, completely covered with films. Now, it’s not like you can just go up to them and tell them which movies you want – each disc on the stand has ...
Malcolm Coates