Being a huge fan of auteur work, I am always on the look out for new directors that distinguish themselves against the backdrop of Hollywood. I enjoyed watching as Christopher Nolan and Darren Aronofsky became accepted by the mainstream, and I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Miranda July, Jamin Winans, and Rian Johnson. Directing is an extremely hard field to break into, and most filmmakers have to give up all their artistic integrity in order to break into the Hollywood system. Being the son of David Bowie certainly helps though, and that’s whom I want to talk about in this entry, Duncan Jones, aka Zowie Bowie. Being the son of a rockstar certainly has its advantages, such as being able to pool funding for your film projects, but Jones still has to be able to convince people that he has personal artistic merit. His first film, Moon, was very successful in convincing people of that, myself included. An independent science fiction film, Moon tells the story of S...
Malcolm Coates